Organize Your Ionian Vacation

Greece was created to be a paradise on Earth. Picturesque sceneries, ancient buildings on the background of torques see, breathtaking sunsets — it’s just a fraction of the whole new experience you can get here. The motherland of ancient gods offers multiple attractions and ways to spend your holiday, but you can miss numerous opportunities without careful organization. We prepared this short guide to help you get the most out of your Ionian vacation.

Think of a Place to Live

There are plenty of hotels in Greece for every taste and wallet; you can choose any of them. But for the perfect Greek experience, we recommend renting one of the Luxury villas in Corfu. You’ll easily find budget variants suitable for small families and couples and huge villas which can host a celebration and offer a place for a crowd of people. Regardless of the price, all villas include necessary comfort features and provide multiple opportunities to spend perfect vacations. The majority is children-friendly, so your kids can enjoy being at one of the Villas in Zakynthos too.

Make a Plan

As soon as you make up your mind about the place to stay, start planning. Please make a list of all locations you want to visit and spread them throughout vacation time. Don’t forget to include the rest days. The desire to see as much as possible is understandable, but visiting ruins and ancient sanctuaries can challenge physical strength. Don’t wear yourself out; it’s a vacation, not a race. The Internet gives you chances to make an idea plan, so don’t skip the research phase.

Think of Transportation

If you are not planning to lay beside a private pool all the time you are in Greece, you need a vehicle to explore the surrounding. The easiest variant is to rent a car. This way, you’ll have an opportunity to move through the island without losing time. If you don’t like driving, resort to taxi services. In cities, public transportation is available. By the way, it can be a kind of attraction itself. Imagine telling your friends that you traveled by bus with locals. Greece offers multiple see attractions, and for transfer between the islands, you’ll have to use water vehicles. If you have seasickness, make sure to take your medicine.

Consider your Eating Habits

Greece is famous for its simple but tasty and nutritious cousin. In numerous restaurants and cafés, you can taste fish, vegetables, and incredible desserts. Popular tourist destinations offer different eating opportunities: from first-class restaurants to street food. But if you have your own eating schedule and don’t want to ruin the routine during the vacation, you’ll have to cook for yourself. All private villas have a fully-equipped kitchen, but it can be a problem if you prefer to stay at the hotel. In this case, we recommend buying food at the local stores and choosing the options that don’t require cooking.

With little time and effort, your vacations in Greece can be truly perfect. But don’t rush yourself to fulfill the plan. Enjoy the peace and the low speed of local life.